Welcome to the YoungLeaders.World FREE leadership video library. Here you will find videos and learning guides that can help you learn more about developing a leadership mindset, overcoming barriers like anxiety, depression and procrastination and how to start proactive practices like gratitude in your daily life.

Leadership is a Mindset Series

Being grateful is not only a great thing to do, it leads to more things to be grateful for!

Leadership is a mindset, not a status.

Skill Development Series

Lauren White provides great tips on how to become stronger, smarter and more productive in 3 months.

Mental Health Series

Build mental strength. Take the first step. Powerful speech by Carla Cuglietta

The dangers of youth disengagement.

Signs that teens might be struggling with anxiety. Created for teachers and parents.


Learning Guide (1).png

YoungLeaders.World can customize personal leadership courses packed with videos, reflection questions, discussion questions and a workbook for your students.

Perfect for CALM classes, homeroom blocks, leadership courses, health courses or simply for student personal growth.
